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Innteck original replica seat cover for Husaberg FE 450 13-14 blue

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Innteck original replica seat cover for Husaberg FE 450 13-14 blue

Product code: CS-10051_dpp_2

Availability: In stock

Regular Price: €49.97

Special Price €47.47





Previous price €47.47
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Seat cover to replace the original one.
Made in single color matching bike's base colors.
Produced with the best available technologies, fits perfectly with the seat foam shape, even on foam thickness up to 2 cm!
Built with special material that enhance seat grip over strong accelerations without affecting pilots movements.
Good anti-slip capacity
Excellent durability over time.

Compatible model years
Husaberg FE 450 2013
Husaberg FE 450 2014
Spare part compatible with
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