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For each ORDER you will recive a DISCUONT COUPON 5%

What is MotoRacingShop CASHBACK?

• For each order over € 20, which you make during the validity period, you will receive a DISCOUNT COUPON equal to 5% of the amount spent (shipping costs and product in special deal are excluded).

• CASHBACK is excluded and will not be sent to orders containing a DISCOUNT COUPON.

• The DISCOUNT COUPON will be issued for orders placed only during the validity period (explicitly indicated on webshop when is active the promotion).

• You can spend the DISCOUNT COUPON on your next order.

• The DISCOUNT COUPON will be sent to you 3 days after your order has been delivered, you will receive it at the same email address you left when ordering.

• The DISCOUNT COUPON is valid for 30 days from the moment you receive it and you can also spend it multiple times.

• The remaining amount of the DISCOUNT COUPON cannot be refunded or converted into cash and will no longer be usable after the expiry date.

• DISCOUNT COUPONS can be accumulated and spent in a single payment in the next order.

• Accounts registered on the site as resellers are excluded.

• By way of non-exhaustive example, the DISCOUNT COUPON can be partially or totally canceled, for example: in the event that the customer cancels the order partially or totally, in the event that the customer returns the order partially or totally.

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